Зовнішність і одяг
During this trip, you will learn:
- preposition У with the genitive case to talk about appearance (У Оксани довге волосся. “Oksana has long hair.”)
- agreement of adjectives and nouns
- personal pronouns in the locative case to discuss what someone is wearing (на ній “she is wearing”)
- personal pronouns in the dative case to talk about needs (Мені потрібний светр. “I need a sweater.”)
- adjectives (потрібний, потрібна, потрібне, потрібні)
- adverb (потрібнo)
- vocabulary (appearance, colours, clothes)
After completing this trip, you will be able to:
- describe someone’s appearance and clothes
- discuss personal preferences in clothes
- discuss clothes someone needs for various occasions
- ask and give advice about what one should wear for various occasions