Зустріч 26.5 (Oral exam) Good luck. Успіхів!
During this trip, you will review:
- verbs in the conditional mood (я б поїхав/поїхала “I would go”)
- unidirectional verbs of motion in the present tense (іти, їхати)
- nouns in the instrumental case (professions)
- vocabulary (train travel, hotel, vocabulary, professions, festival, hotel)
- how to narrate a story about planning a trip
- how to narrate a story about a trip in the past
- how to request services at a hotel
- how to invite and respond to invitations
- how to ask for and give advice (festival)
- how to hold a conversation when purchasing a train ticket
- how to hold a conversation at a doctor’s office
Also, you will:
practice for the written and oral tests
Успіхів! “Good luck!”