- personal pronouns to address people informally (ty ‘you) and formally and (vy “you”)
- pronouns (khto “who” and shcho “what”)
- personal pronouns (vin “he”, vona “she”, vono “it”)
- the gender of nouns (masculine, feminine, neuter)
| - the alphabet
- cognates
- geographical name
| - introducing yourself
- getting acquainted informally and formally
- greeting and saying ‘goodbye’ informally and formally
- asking and answering the question Iak spravy? “How are you?”
- carrying on a simple conversation
- writing in cursive
- major establishments in Ukraine
- possessive pronouns and their agreement with nouns
- nouns in plural
- personal pronouns in the accusative case (мене звати “my name is”)
- asking simple questions (formally and informally)
| - family members
- objects in a room
- numbers 1-10
| - describing your room
- describing your family
- introducing yourself and others
- asking and answering simple questions
- writing in cursive
- nouns in the nominative and genitive cases (geographical names)
- personal names in the vocative case (to address people)
- personal names in the genitive case (family relations)
| - numbers 1-100
- geographical names
- colours
- family members
| - tell and ask where people are from
- tell which countries you would like to visit
- distinguish between formal and informal communicative situations
- address people
- count
- give phone numbers
- discuss family relations
- write in cursive
- personal pronouns in the dative case to talk about age (Мені 20 років. “I am 20 years old.”)
- personal pronouns in the genitive case to talk about possessions (У мене є годинник. “I have a watch.”)
- agreement between nouns and adjectives in the nominative case (нова мобілка “new cell phone”)
- nouns in the locative case (places of work)
- prepositions В, НА with the locative case
- verb conjugation (працювати, навчатися)
| - ages
- personal possessions
- adjectives
- professions
- places of work and study
| - talk about age
- talk about personal possessions
- talk and write about professions and places of work and study
- talk about family members and their professional life
- adverbs of time and frequency
- nouns in the accusative case (work, study and free time activities)
- personal names in the accusative case (to ask someone to the phone)
- verb conjugation (жити, писати, грати, співати, працювати, малювати, готувати, читати, танцювати, вишивати)
| - work
- study
- hobbies
- study subjects
- days of the week
- phone conversation
- class schedules
| - ask and answer questions about everyday activities
- talk about work, study and free time activities
- talk and write about weekly class schedules
- ask someone to the phone
- carry on a simple phone conversation
| | - talk about family members, their age, professional life, and free time activities
- count (large numbers)
- write in cursive (phone numbers)
- prepositions В, НА with the locative case
- verb conjugation (навчатися, жити)
| - large numbers
- geographical and administrative names
- adjectives
- streets and public areas in a city
| - ask and answer personal information questions
- carry on a conversation while checking in at a hotel
- place phone orders for delivery (pizza, flowers)
- introduce a country, its capital, provinces and cities
- talk about objects of interest in a city and their locations
- talk about places of living and study
- write about a city where you live and study
- cultural information about Ukraine
- ordinal numerals (перший “first”, п’ятий “fifth”)
- ordinal numerals in the locative case to tell time (o першій годині “at one o’clock”)
- verb conjugation (любити, daily routines)
- adverbs of time (вранці, вдень, ввечері, вночі)
| | - ask for and give directions
- tell time, answering questions Котра година? and О котрій годині?
- ask and answer questions about free time
- activities and their schedules
- discuss hobbies
- talk and write about daily routines
- adverbs of frequency (ніколи, зрідка, іноді, часто, зазвичай, завжди)
- adverbs of time for seasons (взимку, навесні, влітку, восени)
- names of months in the locative case (у січні “in January”, у серпні “in August”)
| - seasons
- weather
- ‘likes’ and ‘dislikes’
- months
- temperatures
| - talk about daily routines and their frequency
- talk about seasons and weather
- express ‘likes’ and ‘dislikes’ about weather
- present and write a weather report
- preposition У with the genitive case to talk about appearance (У Оксани довге волосся. “Oksana has long hair.”)
- agreement of adjectives and nouns
- personal pronouns in the locative case to discuss what someone is wearing (на ній “she is wearing”)
- personal pronouns in the dative case to talk about needs (Мені потрібний светр. “I need a sweater.”)
- adjectives (потрібний, потрібна, потрібне, потрібні)
- adverb (потрібнo)
| - appearance
- colours
- clothes
| - describe someone’s appearance and clothes
- discuss personal preferences in clothes
- discuss clothes someone needs for various occasions
- ask and give advice about what one should wear for various occasions
- imperfective verbs in the future tense
- adjectives with inanimate nouns in the accusative case
- names of months in the genitive case (восьме липня “July 8th”)
- ordinal numerals for dates (двадцять четверте серпня “August 24th”)
| - holidays and celebrations
| - have a conversation in a store (shopping for clothes, searching for and needing to buy something)
- discuss winter holidays
- discuss New Year’s resolutions
- talk and write about important dates and holidays
- ordinal numerals for dates (двадцять четверте серпня “August 24th”)
- ordinal numerals for time (перша година “one o’clock”)
- adverbs of time and frequency
| - free time activities
- daily routines
| - discuss important dates and holidays
- ask and answer personal information questions
- place phone orders for delivery
- tell time, answering the questions Котра година? and О котрій годині?
- talk about daily routines
- talk about your city
- report on current weather
- ask for and give advice about what one should wear
- cultural information about Ukrainian Christmas traditions
- adjectives with inanimate nouns in the accusative case
| - appearance
- clothes
- seasons and weather
- names of months
| - talk about weather
- prepare and present a weather report
- describe someone’s appearance
- describe the clothes someone is wearing
- have a conversation in a store (shopping for clothes, searching for and needing to buy something)
- express what you are searching for in a store (Я шукаю чорну сукню. “I am searching for a black dress.”)
- geographical names in the genitive case
- nouns in the locative case
- prepositions of place
| - professions
- places of work
- personal information
- hobbies
| - introduce yourself and others
- talk about professional life, interests, and hobbies
- ask and answer personal information questions
- discuss people’s professions and places of work
- complete forms with personal information
- discuss and share personal information
- imperfective and perfective verbs
- imperfective and perfective verbs in the past
- adverbs used with imperfective and perfective verbs
- adverbs of time
- ordinal numerals in the locative case for years (у тисяча дев’ятсот дев’яносто шостому році “in 1996”)
- the singular and plural of nouns
| - fruits and vegetables
- free time activities
| - discuss past activities
- talk about New Year’s resolutions and results
- use imperfective and perfective verbs in specific contexts
- create and write brief biographies
- cultural information about famous Ukrainians and their biographies
- nouns in the accusative case (Я купила каву. “I bought coffee.”)
- nouns in the genitive case (Я не купила кави. “I did not buy coffee.”)
- the comparative degree of adjectives
- adjectives in the genitive case
- adverbs of quantity
| - food
- adjectives to describe food
| - discuss what one can buy at the market
- describe and compare food
- hold a conversation about food
- discuss likes and dislikes
- give advice
- nouns in the instrumental case (вареники з сиром “‘dumplings with cheese”)
- personal names in the dative case (Оксані смакує торт. “Oksana likes cake.”)
- imperfective and perfective verbs to describe food preparation
| - food and dishes
- film genres
| - place an order in a restaurant
- discuss likes and dislikes (food and dishes)
- discuss restaurant menus
- describe food preparation
- create a party menu
- comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives
- personal pronouns in the dative case to express feelings (Мені страшно. “‘I am scared.”)
| - adjectives to describe films
| - describe films
- discuss films, TV shows, and actors
- read and write film reviews
- discuss food at the movies
- express surprise and feelings
- discuss feelings
- multidirectional verbs of motion in the present tense (ходити, їздити)
| | - introduce yourself and others
- ask for and share personal information
- describe foods and food preferences
- discuss menus
- discuss movies
- multidirectional (ходити, їздити) and unidirectional (іти, їхати) verbs of motion in the present tense
- perfective verbs піти, поїхати to denote future actions
- nouns in the locative and instrumental cases (modes of transportation)
- adverbs of frequency (щодня, часто, іноді, ніколи)
| - transport
- ходити, їздити, іти, їхати, піти, поїхати
| - discuss modes of transportation
- ask questions about everyday travel
- use the construction я іду/їду (Зараз я іду/їду в університет. “Now I am going to the university.”)
- talk about future trips
- narrate a story about a trip in the future
- perfective verbs піти, поїхати to denote past actions
- multidirectional verbs of motion in the past tense (ходити, їздити)
- adverbs де “where” vs куди “where to”
- nouns in the locative case (де “where” ) vs nouns in the accusative case (куди “where to”)
| - places to visit
- train travel
| - discuss past trips
- narrate a story about a trip in the past
- hold a conversation when purchasing a train ticket
- invite and respond to invitations
- nouns in the instrumental case (professions)
- conditional mood (я б поїхав/поїхала “I would go”)
- verb хотіти ‘“to want” in the conditional mood (я хотів би/хотіла б “I would like”)
- perfective verbs in the future tense
| - professions
- places of work
- planning a trip
- wishes and desires
| - discuss professions
- talk about past and present career plans
- discuss and share wishes and desires
- narrate a story about planning a trip
| | - discuss hotel amenities
- hold a conversation when checking in at a hotel
- request services at a hotel
- hold a conversation at a ticket office
- ask for and give advice
- request and provide information
- discuss music preferences
- cultural information about the museum of ethnography in Pyrohiv and the music festival “Країна мрій”
- verb conjugation (займатися, грати)
- nouns in the instrumental case (following the verb займатися)
| - sports
- physical activities
- games
- health
| - discuss sports, physical activities, and games
- personal pronouns in the dative case to give advice (Тобі треба ходити в спортзал. “You need to go to the gym.”)
- adverbs (треба, потрібно, необхідно, варто, можна)
| | - hold a conversation at a doctor’s office
- conduct a survey and report on the results (healthy lifestyle)
- write a report (healthy lifestyle)
- give advice (healthy lifestyle)
- verbs in the conditional mood (я б поїхав/поїхала “I would go”)
- unidirectional verbs of motion in the present tense (іти, їхати)
- nouns in the instrumental case (professions)
| - train travel
- hotel
- vocabulary
- professions
- festival, hotel
| - narrate a story about planning a trip
- narrate a story about a trip in the past
- request services at a hotel
- invite and respond to invitations
- ask for and give advice (festival)
- hold a conversation when purchasing a train ticket
- hold a conversation at a doctor’s office