Пори року і погода
In this station, you will learn:
- adverbs of frequency (ніколи, зрідка, іноді, часто, зазвичай, завжди)
- adverbs of time for seasons (взимку, навесні, влітку, восени)
- vocabulary (seasons, weather)
- to discuss weather
In the next slides, you will practice adverbs of frequency:ніколи, зрідка, іноді, часто, зазвичай, завжди.
Match the corresponding forms (adverbs of frequency in Ukrainian and English).
In the next slides, you will practice the names of the seasons: зима, весна, літо, осінь.
Match each season with its corresponding image.
In the next slides, you will learn and practice adverbs of time for the seasons: взимку, навесні, влітку, восени.
Match each adverb with its corresponding image.
In the next slides, you will learn and practice vocabulary to describe the weather.
Match each adverb with its corresponding image.
Listen to Oksana asking about the weather in Kyiv and Lviv and answer the questions.
Яка погода в Києві?
Listen to the dialogue. What is the weather in Kyiv today?
Яка погода у Львові?
Listen to the second half of the conversation. What is the weather in Lviv today?
Complete the following quiz: